Every Time I Die & The Damned Things - Keith Buckley interview - Lambgoat Vanflip Podcast (Ep. 6)

Lambgoat Presents: The Vanflip Podcast Episode #006
Recorded May 4th, 2019 in Jacksonville, FL.

Keith Buckley is the vocalist for Every Time I Die in addition to The Damned Things, featuring members of Fall Out Boy, Anthrax, and Alkaline Trio. Keith is also a published writer and Twitch streamer in his downtime.

00:34 - ETID playing in Mexico, flight delays, and traveling to Rockville (The Damned Things)
02:00 - Playing Mexico & seeing Vince Neil play
05:48 - Streaming/Gaming on Twitch
08:20 - "Soulpatch" (Keith's 90's Cover band)
09:27 - First album in 9 years and differences between the two (The Damned Things)
11:23 - How were The Damned Things formed/How did you become the singer?
12:49 - Why a 9-year gap between albums? (The Damned Things)
15:59 - Who writes the music for The Damned Thing? Differences between ETID & TDT lyrics?
17:30 - Keith's writing side gig(s), interviewing Danny McBride, and Keith's two books.
21:40 - How did you guys choose He Is Legend to tour with TDT this tour?
23:34 - Andy's wrestling career?
25:02 - Seeing Fred Durst in Mexico
26:25 - Favorite Deftones album & recording with Nick Raskulinecz.
28:40 - Creative process and writing for ETID
31:27 - Allergic to alcohol, taking a break from drinking, and being sober around drunks
34:29 - Strange that you've made a career and are still relevant in the hardcore scene 20 years later?
36:12 - Favorite ETID album?
37:50 - Who/What is the song "The New Black" (ETID) about?
39:15 - Any musical talent outside singing?
40:04 - What is it like being in a band with everyone else being a millionaire? (The Damned Things)
42:42 - Bad Habits? Smoking... Weed?
44:40 - What are you looking forward to in your career? Wanting a song in a Marvel Movie.
45:56 - Favorite soundtrack?

For more about Keith, Every Time I Die, & The Damned Things:
@deathoftheparty (Twitter)
@keithbvckley (Instagram)

Follow Lurk:
@lurkcity (IG & Twitter)

Follow Lambgoat:
@lambgoat(IG & Twitter)

Video by Jonathan Peters: @jphype (Instagram)
Editing by David Truax

LG's New Metal Monthly Spotify Playlist: http://bit.ly/LGNMPlaylist

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