25- Branislav Panic (Bane)

A conversation about how he first discovered metal living in Serbia through tape trading & buying albums based upon their cover artwork, his dream tour lineup for Bane, his worst tour horror story, who he believes is the next big band in metal & why he relocated to Montreal to pursue a more serious musical career.

This podcast was recorded at Station Ho.st which is a quaint little brewpub in Montreal. Throughout the interview we drank a Belgian style Pale Ale called 7 Sisters Mérope by Hopfenstark.

Matt's Beer of the Week & Album Pairing
Microbrasserie Riverbend's 100% Brett IPA & Dream Theater's Distance Over Time

Bane: https://www.facebook.com/baneband/

Station Ho.st: http://stationhost.ca/

Hopfenstark: https://www.facebook.com/Hopfenstark/

Microbrasserie Riverbend: https://www.microriverbend.com/
Dream Theater: http://dreamtheater.net/

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